Fashion Training in Cambodia

Guided by the passion, we land this time, and for our most great pleasure, in Cambodia. Louis shares his Fashion secrets to some selected companies wishing to develop on our European market. A top-quality cultural exchange where each will find answers on all these...

Stone Edge square table

Stones like thousand-year-old totems, lit up by neons, white lights of human attempts to chase away the darkness. A combination of the senses, of form and eras so improbable that, they are finally, obvious. The cold of the street moving into the cocoon. What is...

The diamantoscope

What is art, if not a new perspective on the world? What is street art, if it is not art given to everyone? Hence, the Diamond cutter is perhaps the complete artist. In 2014, this 30-year resident of Caen installs observation telescopes with kaleidoscopic effects in...

kouhei nakama

The body is a canvas. Nothing new. Or yes, perhaps. Millenniums painting oneself to exist. Today, the body is getting it’s make up done in order to disappear. Lui Bolin giving life to the maxim of Albert Camus in his Rebel: “To be nothing, this is the cry of the...

Marshmallow laser feast studio

For the first time in its history, humanity has tired of itself. Not very proud of what it is. So some turn to animals and others towards technology. Return to the sources or become the post-human, but do not remain this imperfect man. And then, there are those who...